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por este sello underground llamado: "GRINDER CIRUJANO RECORDS" (proveniente de argentina); una putrid banda como LAMIDA VAGINAL tiene un gran sello que lo ayuda a editar este material altamente
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LAMIDA VAGINAL "CANNIBAL VIOLADOR"(CD 2010 / GRINDER CIRUJANO RECORDS 001): - directly a GOREGRIND BRUTAL SICK PORN, Regurgitated total of 29 subjects in oral sex
and porno gore lead guitars many very simple and primitive but brutal, crushing drums rather horrid fast scheduled, guttural voice and ultra gore sick vomiting agudizima voice nauseatingore his
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3 WAYS SPLATTERING BLOOD (KADAVER TORSO / PANKREATITE NECRO HEMORRAGICA / K.P.L.S.T.K.K / GRINDER CIRUJANO RECORDS 002): - aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh purulento sick split rancid decomposition editado por este brutal sello argentino "GRINDER CIRUJANO RECORDS"; la 1era trituracion la entrega KADAVER TORSO que regurgita 11 acidos temas de un putrid BRUTAL SICKNOISE GOREGRIND muy bizarro y con partes lead guitars bien podridos; macereado gore drums y repugnant gorefibrosarcoma gutural vocals; hay ritmos bien nauseabundos y que mezclan el grind noise con regurgoregrind; esta banda de brasil esta enferma y sus samplers estan basados en peliculas japonesas de guerra; banda netamente sick grindnoise rancid; 2do gore torture una banda que reseñe aparte y que esta muy reventada y explosivamente brutal; PANKREATITE NECRO HEMORRAGIICA entrega 10 lycanthropygore infectious BRUTAL GRINDINGORE ultra carnicero y australopithecus gore drums y 2 brutales guturales voces y riff lead blastingore con toda la carne con pus y ritmos putrid descarnigore leprosy para realizar una gore autopsia; ultra enferma banda de brasil y temas secos y rapidos todo brutalizism dead grindingore; 3era rancid banda K.P.L.S.T.K.K ultra putrid banda proveniente finlandia que entrega algo realmente muy grotesco primitive sick grindingore splatter con sus partes noisegore napalm scum zombie para rebanar cuellos; putrid musik deteriorada para mentes realmente enfermas; muchos temas para desgarrar dientes y esto es una locura sicopatica aberrante; el split trae EXCELENTE SONIDO y caratula podrida medical pathologist y el interior del cd esta muy brutal y interesante de ver mientras escuchas la putrefaccion sonora que ejecutan 3 horripilantes bandas con estilos muy distintos pero todas muy marcadas por el gore mas extremo; 3 WAYS SPLATTERING BLOOD es un split para fanaticos carroñeros del grindingore noisegrind seguramente estas buscando algo tan brutal como este putrid split cd para agregarlo a tu coleccion de cds putre descompuestos; un material totalmente brutal..
3 WAYS SPLATTERING BLOOD (KADAVER TORSO / NECRO PANKREATITE HEMORRHAGICA / KPLSTKK / GRINDER CIRUJANO RECORDS 002): - split aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh sick purulent decomposition rancid seal edited by this brutal Argentine "GRINDER CIRUJANO RECORDS" shredding the 1st delivery that rises 11 KADAVER TORSO acids issues of a putrid BRUTAL GOREGRIND SICKNOISE very bizarre and lead guitars parts well rotten gore soaked drums and guttural vocals gorefibrosarcoma repugnant, nauseating is good rhythms and noise mixed with the grind regurgoregrind, this band of Brazil is sick and samplers are based Japanese in war movies; grindnoise sick distinctly rancid band; the 2nd torture gore that outlines a band apart, and this very brutal and explosively burst; PANKREATITE NECRO HEMORRAGICA lycanthropygore infectious delivery 10 BRUTAL GRINDINGORE butcher and Australopithecus ultra gore and 2 brutal drums and guttural voices blastingore lead riff with all the meat with putrid pus and rhythms for a descarnigore leprosy autopsy gore, ultra sick band of brazil nuts and fast and all items brutalizism dead grindingore; 3rd band rancid KPLSTKK ultra putrid band from finland that delivers something really sick grindingore primitive grotesque splatter their zombie scum napalm noisegore parties slicing necks musik putrid minds really deteriorated to diseased teeth for tearing many issues and this is crazy psychotic aberrant, the split Great sound and cover art brings medical pathologist and rotten inside the cd is very brutal and interesting to watch while listening to putrefaction horrifying sound running 3 bands with very different styles but all very much marked by the most extreme gore, 3 WAYS SPLATTERING BLOOD split for fans of grindingore noisegrind probably scavengers are looking for something as brutal as this putrid split cd to add it to your CD collection Putre decomposed, a totally brutal material ..